Each piece is unique, channeled for a specific purpose. When activated, these become your personal portal to instantly connect you with your purpose each time you look into it.
Through Pixels, you can own my sacred art printed on a variety of items of your choice.
But message me directly to purchase the original canvas painting.
12”x12'“ $333
18”x18” $450

Mandala Paintings
Universal Flow
Feel yourself be transported to your highest timeline when you gaze into this beautiful soft medley of intricate flow.
Replenish is deeply connected to what we need right now to fill whole. Going within to deeply feel supported by mother earth, the sun and the light, this piece will connect you and ground you with your earthly and galactic oneness of you.
This one took quite a few weeks to finish. Completely infused with light codes activations, and opening the cosmic doors to your higher self. It makes your connection to your true knowing that much more potent, and calms you instantly as you gaze into it. This is an original mandala painting using acrylic on canvas. 12”x12”x.50” in.
Get lost within the multi universe intricate web. Or perhaps you will get found instead.
Feel your connection to the whole, the universe. Feel how you are one with all, no matter where you choose to go, you will always be found, as everything is you, and you are everything.
Know that each road you take takes you where you are meant to be. This piece will connect you with your adventurous side, inspire you to go places you haven’t yet dreamed of, and find parts of you that you have forgotten.
This luscious garden is inviting the fairy realm into your life. Are you connected with nature? Are the wild animals always around you? That’s a sign that you are connected with the fairies too! This one is for you to keep that link open, or own that door if you hadn’t done so already. Bring in your garden into the home. This is an original mandala painting using acrylic on canvas. 12”x12”x.50” in.
Open Your Heart
Open your heart through play. Remember who you truly are by bringing play into your life. This is where creativity happens, desires are open and things begin to move. Perfect for the creative mind to open the portal to your creative side in ways you hadn’t before. This is an original Mandala painting using acrylic on canvas. 18x18x.75 in.
Inspired by Monet’s Water lilies, this one goes deeper than the eye can see. The beauty we see all around has their roots deep within the earth to support the blossoms that we see. Nestled in water bringing up both the fluidity and the reflection that life has to offer us.
Looking and going inside us to find our true self, and catching a glimpse of our reflection on the mirror in front of us, this one is guided for self growth from the deepest spaces within your soul.
Portal III
This piece is a direct portal to your astral family. Opening and connecting you instantly with deep space energies. Use this one during meditation by stating into it, and feel yourself be transported to the deepest levels in your soul.This is an original mandala painting using acrylic on canvas. 18”x18”x.75” in.
*SOLD*/ Portal II
This one came through quite quickly, while listening to Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. It s one of my favorite pieces, and it brings me peace and joy each time I see it. It bring lightness to the heat at the soul level. This is an original mandala painting using acrylic on canvas. 12”x12”x.50” in.
*SOLD* / Celestial One
Truly for the awakened soul. This one was specifically channeled for you. It came through for a very powerful healer to enhance their abilities to see and connect the messages from the universe to our 3D world. If this is calling you, you will know. The right owner will instantly know it’s theirs.This is an original mandala painting using acrylic on canvas. 12”x12”x.50” in.
*SOLD*/Love Thyself
This one is quite special. Created with love light infusion to bring more love into your life. It is a portal of the love realm, bringing to you love in all that you see. This is a mandala painting using acrylic on canvas. 12x12x.50 in.
**SOLD**Ancestral Healing
This is a deep healing link to your ancestors. Connected to native lineage and channeled through my spirit guide. Opens up and connects to your ancestors to receive and communicate more clearly as you gaze into the center. Incredibly gentle and supportive of the love that is there for you to recive, and expansion of your heart. 12x12 acrylic on canvas, unique one of a kind painting.