Beyond the separation.
“When I run after what I think I want,
my days are a furnace of distress and anxiety;
If I sit in my own place of patience,
what I need flows to me, and without any pain.
From this I understand that what I want also wants me,
is looking for me and attracting me.
There is a great secret in this for anyone who can grasp it. “
This is a 7 week intensive journey for healers and light workers.
Here is what we'll do
Become the true being you are in full awareness. We will pin point your limiting beliefs and shift them to be aligned with the 5D reality.
Your soul has an imprint and unique set of values. We connect you with what you truly resonate with and allow what isn’t yours to drop off your energy field. Then everything begins to flow in the direction that you truly want.
Release the illusion that the world has taught you to believe and listen to your inner voice to align to understand what’s authentically yours, the reason your soul came to this reality in the first place.
As you become fully aware of what is yours and what your soul came here to do, it is natural to have fear set in to stop you from releasing all that you have lived by all of these years. We face these fears, guilt, and even shame off your radar so that you can embrace your new reality.
Using the Quantum Field, we cut cords, journey through warm holes, and align to the now true reality that liberates us from our ancestors chains and beliefs. We learn how to keep our energy field in check each time our ego sends us back there.
A mayor part of the healing comes from allowing our bodies to catch up to our energy field to fully integrate. Rest, hydrate and refrain from any other healings, as you drop into your body and journal about your experience this week. This is your journaling week where you will have many aha moments and can reflect on what you need to feel complete.
Q & A and final clearing and healing.
This week we meet one last time where you will bring in any questions you may have from your journey tp have complete closure and clarity.
Light Language
I have been having some amazing breakthroughs and clarity, with very high levels of energy and practically no sleep.
I am feeling like a new person and for some reason , I feel very light in my body. The light language is also inspiring me to go deep within my soul and that is leading me to change some aspects of my business messaging as well.
All the meetings I have had with Valeria have been magical, in these months I have learned and grown more than I could imagine. Valeria with her sweetness, love and understanding of her has helped me heal, reconnect with myself and trust!!!!
I have been following Valeria MAritza for about a month now. She is so amazing and I love when she does her lives. I have been on a handful of them so far and they are so moving and informative. I can't put into words how grateful and appreciative I am for this group. She definitely has an amazing gift to share with the world. Thank you so very much Valeria for this group and for you!!
I have loved every session with Valeria. She truly works from a place of love and a desire to help others to heal. There is so much healing to do in the world and I’m honored to have learned and expanded my abilities with Valeria’s guidance.
I’ve just done the session with Valeria on how to connect with past loved ones and ancestors. She lead us through an amazing meditation in which I saw my mum and dad holding hands on the right side and on the left side my gran. I didn’t get any messages from my gran. My parents just said it’s so lovely to see you and my dad said I knew you would do it. I woke with two tears rolling down my face….it was magical. Thank you Valeria
Apart from attending Valeria MAritza's lives, I've had akashic reading and quantum healing sessions with her. She is so connected and accurate, absolutely love Valeria's magic, healing abilities and energy, and guidance that she provides!
Total Value of Beyond the Separation
6 Live 90 minute private sessions. (valued at $2400)
7 Specific journaling homework each week to get clear and move energy out. (valued at $700)
2 Guided meditations specific to swiftly change your paradigm into the new reality, and to release low energies as they arise. (valued at $700)
Private support
Total value $3,800
Pay in Full ( bonus calls! ) $1,888
Pay in full with Bonuses!
Plus TWO private 75 minute sessions with me!
(one mid way, and one at the end of your journey)