Here’s To Your Expansion….
Take a leap!
Quantum Leap makes it possible for you to get started in your healing journey with me, shedding your baggage and spreading your wings in your healing journey, while immersing yourself in a private 1:1 container within an 8 week period.
You will be empowered, supported, move through and clear deep childhood and ancestral wounds. Also, you receive the tools to combat your shadows while being held in a gentle and loving space as you heal.
My commitment to you is to show up and be present for you in the best way that I can. To hold you and support you, hear you, and guide you with divinity. I will share my knowledge and insights and tools that I personally use that have proven to help me and my clients so far. I will cheer you on your expansion and grow along with you.
What clients are saying:
Valeria is a playful yet deeply wise magical soul with a huge heart and she is a powerful healer. She is kind and compassionate but also tells you what you need to hear in the moment to move forward. I first met Valeria when she was exploring her psychic gifts and was offering distance healing sessions. I had been recovering from that thing that is going round and I was well in myself apart from a sore throat that I couldn’t seem to shift. My voice is a key part of my work (I am a Hypnotherapist) and intuitively I felt that the sore throat was due to an up leveling in my throat chakra. I was keen to explore healing that through some form of energy work and was delighted to connect with Valeria. She made me feel at ease and we had an instant connection, blocks in my throat and elsewhere were healed. Since our sessions my voice and the work I do with it has upleveled hugely. I am so grateful to Valeria and her incredible healing gifts.
Quantum Leap
to be used within 8 weeks.
Get exactly what you need to move forward in each session. Light Language, Akashic Records, Drum Magic, Quantum Energy Healing, or anything your soul is yearning for at the moment.
(pay in full and receive an additional bonus session!)
Included in your healings, any or all
Psychic Intuitive Session
Assess where you stand, where you want to be and how the journey will look for you. Showing you the best possible outcome for you. This includes guided quantum energy healing to remove blocks and allow you to receive on a “clean canvas”.
Clear your ancestor’s story
Looking at and pinpointing exactly what is stopping you from moving forward with quantum speed, or what keeps reoccurring in your life as a life cycle, bringing up for healing and releasing. This is really powerful to move forward in all of that’s holding you back. Ancestral healing clears your entire ancestral line, past, present and future.
Light language
Speaking directly to your heart and soul in abstract light language to heal parts of you that may be so deep within, you may not even be aware you have them. This is a really powerful healing that works as fast as lightning, sometimes going back hundreds of years to heal past lives wounds and see where your soul was hurt. Integration time is essential for this healing, and follow up, and re-listening to the light language makes the healing even deeper.
Arcturian Light Codes
Downloaded and integrated in your being, awakening dormant DNA and parts of you that you have always possessed yet not have been aware of them and/or using. A healing session accompanies this session in anything that is showing up for you at this time for clearing and understanding on moving forward.
Quantum Energy Healing
Guidance, connections, clearings and activations to go on living your best life. This session brings together all we have worked on thus far to complete the cycle of healing. Anything that is brought up at this time after all the other sessions is cleared and focused on elevating and maintaining this level of energy within your body and energy field.
Akashic Records
Look into the ancient books of all of your lives, and bring forward the ones that relate to you for healing in the present time. Re write the stories, and heal different timelines in this deep sacred place.
Quantum Leap
What is the Energy Exchange for Quantum Leap?
Quantum Leap 4 ninety minute private sessions, to be used within 8 weeks.
This package will see you from where ever you are in your journey, through where you want to be, by receiving channeled guidance specific to what your soul needs. You will be guided through a structured path of healing, led by spirit for your highest good and highest possible outcome.
Energy Exchange is $1199
Pay in full now and receive an additional private session with me!
Quantum Leap Payment Plan
* My deepest desire is to make this as accessible as possible. If you feel called to participate and financial commitment is a challenge please reach out. I would love to hear from you and we would most likely be able to work it out together.
I will channel and deliver your guidance and healing during each session, and give you steps to take to get moving. You will then take action from your session and meet me back to recalibrate and receive your next steps in your next guided healing journey. How does it get any better than that?
Valeria helped me visualize my future and directions I could take my side-business that felt completely in alignment for me - she even picked up on specific business ideas that my Guides had previously given me with brilliant accuracy! In regards to my personal development, she highlighted a core insecurity I was dealing with and offered tangible advice on how to move through it so I could live in more harmony and peace. She did energy work on me in regards to this core wound that really got directly to the issue at hand, even bringing up a past-life experience that pinpointed where it originated, which was amazing. Valeria took the healing one step further by taking me through a visualization in regards to this past-life that showed me directly what had occurred which was so helpful for my own awareness. This experience has helped me feel much more independent on my journey, as I witnessed with my own senses what my soul had gone through in another incarnation with Valeria’s help. The experience was unbelievably moving and spot-on; I left the reading feeling more aware of the blocks I am currently moving through but also with specific techniques and tips on how to continue working through the energy in my life afterwards. I could not recommend booking a session with Valeria enough, her gentle kindness, beautiful flowing energy, and robust & expansive clairvoyance make for a unique and effective healing experience. Her connection to the unseen is palpable and incredibly direct - it is clear she tailors each reading specifically for the client and their needs.